

july 2024

To our delight, a Tricks Party competition has been held late June, in the UK, loosely based on the 2006 USA rules, with their own twists. That's ok, the spirit of Tricks Party is there: judge pilots on their ability to perform tricks in a fixed order and follow the trick guidelines. Two pilots competed, with Josh Mitcheson (80.9%) in 1st place, Belgian Stephan Fiers took 2nd Place, with an overall score of 57%. We do hope our UK brothers will continue to have a Tricks Party every year (or more). UK pilots should make an effort and support this honest format! Pass on the message!

February 2024

From 2024 we will make a change to the mandatory tricks: the Coin Toss now starts with a SPIKE. This was already the case, but now it is 'on paper' and counts for all Tricks Party competitions. The description of the Coin Toss has now been adjusted.

August 2023

At last we added a new trick to the Tricks Party list of tricks. It's the Cascade Multi Lazy, added to group 5. Thanks to the Dutch group to provide a video and the trick itself. Start practising!

May 2023

We had another fine weekend on the beach with the annual Tricks Party @ Zeebrugge, Belgium. Here's a recap video: VIDEO

January 20; 2023

Here it is once more: the only world wide competition that doesn't have an impact on the enviroment! Judged by the pilots itself and gifted with many prices (some of those are handed out randomly amongst the competitors). Do check it out!!

May 2nd

We had a blast of a competition @Zeebrugge (Belgium). 27km/hour wind on Saturday, a nice 15km/hour on Sunday.

Results can be found here, there are some video's at the bottom of that page!  Tricks Party Belgium

March 21, 2022

It's never to late to have a fun competition that doesn't make you travel all over the planet  ;-)

Just saying that you can compete in the latest Virtual Freestyle competition!

All info to be found here:  VIRTUAL FREESTYLE #38

March 11, 2022

The 15th Tricks Party in Belgium will be on the weekend of April 30 and May 1.

As usual on the location (Zeebrugge beach), pilots from The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium will compete.

Watch this website for the results and maybe (if we're lucky) some nice ballets on video!

April 9, 2021

It will be no surprise, Tricks Party 2021 will be another year without competitions. Nothing can be done about that, we are better safe and fortunately can still practice our sport on an individual basis. It is a pity that the social aspect is disappearing, the direct contact on the kite field anyway. It will get better over time and next year it will definitely be with competition(s) again!
And then there is the news that R-sky (the French kite builder) has stopped developing, producing and selling two-line sport kites. On the one hand, it is a pity that the knowledge and experience gained is being lost, on the other hand, the perception of a conflict of interest in organizing competitions is now unfounded.

September 25, 2020

Someone dropped a video in Facebook and asked what trick he was doing.

This happened to be a trick we didn't had a video for, so we're happy to have the link to that video in our website

(and here: Torpille )

June 4, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, kite flying and related activities got cancelled for a couple of months.

We should have had the 15th (!) Tricks Party in Belgium, but alas...

Meanwhile, we hope everyone is staying in good health.

A good thing we have Youtube, Facebook and all the other ways to keep us busy, looking at all the old pictures and video's.

We'll be back!

January 30, 2019

From now on, Tricks Party competitions in France will be without the Imposed tricks and the Free expression.

So a competition is just the ballet, with 9 self chosen tricks.

We will add the trick " Puddle " to the list soon.

Meanwhile, the north of Europe continues to update the format,

to stop confusion we will call that Tricks Party North, or TPN for short.

They will add 10 new tricks (combinations), reduce the number of groups and still use the Imposed Tricks, but also drop the Free Expression




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